EnviroVision can provide the following training programs at your office, school, or construction site:
•Two Hour Asbestos Awareness
•Right -to- Know
•Blood Borne Pathogens & Universal Precautions for School Staff
•Hazardous Waste Generator
•Eye Safety & Protection
•General Loss Prevention for Maintenance Personnel
•Personnel Protective Clothing & Equipment
•Fire Safety
•Ergonomic Safety
•Back Care & Safety, including Proper Lifting Techniques
•Hand Safety
•Hearing Loss Prevention
•Slip & Fall Prevention
•Confined Space Entry
•Electrical Safety on the Job (Lockout/Tagout)
•Proper Ladder and Scaffolding Use
•Hazardous Waste Transport Safety
•Lead (Pb) Awareness Training & Safety
•Mold (fungi) Awareness Training & Safety